Family members prevented from visiting or communicating with resident or ward in a facility, home, or dwelling in which the resident is receiving care and services may petition court for visitation; conditions, expedited hearing, sanctions, remedies, and definition provisions -
Act 343Out-of-home care extension re subsidized guardianship payments, adoption assistance, kinship care, and voluntary transition-to-independent-living agreement; CBRF licensing not required for certain facilities for persons between 18 and 21 years of age; DCF duties [Sec. 1648n-1669, 1681-1694, 1697-1699, 1857, 4648v, 4654t, 4679-4688, 4689, 4690-4699] -
Act 55Secretary of State: location of office, lapse to general fund, and legal publication of proposed constitutional amendments transferred to LRB [Sec. 94m, 96j, 1104v, 9239 (1q), 9339 (1q)] -
Act 55State Treasurer, Office of, deleted from the Constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR5] -
JR7Election of chief justice: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [SJR2] -
JR2Motor vehicle repair practices: insurer prohibitions re specifying a facility and delaying a claim -
Act 93Supplemental forfeiture allowed for certain violations against the elderly and disabled re laws DATCP has rule-making, investigation, or enforcement authority -
Act 252WCA pleading requirements revisions -
Act 155Construction career academy grant program repealed [Sec. 2711] -
Act 55Construction materials: sales tax exemption created, conditions specified [Sec. 2524r, 9337 (4c), 9437 (2c)] [vetoed] -
Act 55Building Commission contracting requirements revised [Sec. 47b, 370, 373b, 374b, 9304 (1n)] [370, 373b, 374b -- vetoed; 47b -- partial veto] -
Act 55DOA contractual services duties modified [Sec. 323b] -
Act 55Lake monitoring and protection: purposes for which DNR may pay costs under contract expanded and DNR may use portion of funding designated for river protection grants -
Act 250Prescription drug monitoring program review and reporting requirements created, sunset provision; CSB may contract with an analytics firm to augment the program -
Act 267Qualified financial contracts and certain agreements: staying or prevention of a person from exercising certain rights prohibited -
Act 326Recidivism reduction program for City of Milwaukee created: DCF may contract with private organization to conduct the program; LAB audit and JCF approval required; ``pay-for-performance contract" defined [Sec. 1785m, 9152 (1c)] [9152 (1c) -- vetoed; 1785m -- partial veto] -
Act 55Surplus retention limits for providers of rate-based and rate-regulated services [Sec. 1471nb-ns, 1776n, p, 1777fb-fr, 4250c-k, 9306 (3u), 9406 (1v)] [vetoed] -
Act 55Virtual marketplace for digital educational resources: Superintendent of Public Instruction to enter into contracts for and DPI to host [Sec. 560m, 3193s] [vetoed] -
Act 55Prescription drug monitoring program changes re timing of submission of records, disclosure of records, and review of patient's records exemptions; DSPS Secretary to notify LRB when the program is operational; emergency rule and personally identifiable information provisions -
Act 266Prescription drug monitoring program review and reporting requirements created, sunset provision; CSB may contract with an analytics firm to augment the program -
Act 267Prescription drug monitoring program transferred to CSB from the Pharmacy Examining Board; rule provisions re record disclosure and failure to comply; CSB membership modified; definition provisions [Sec. 175, 524, 3483, 4474, 4477, 4731f-k, 9138 (1)] -
Act 55Class ``B" highway weight limitations and special or seasonal weight limitations: exemptions for certain utility vehicles responding to service interruptions -
Act 44Cooperative members allowed to vote electronically on the election or removal of directors, conditions specified -
Act 87Coroner and medical examiner service fees: moratorium expanded and exception created re an intergovernmental cooperation agreement -
Act 336Funeral homes, cemeteries, and crematorium: exemption from certain fees and moratorium on certain fee increases [Sec. 1831p, 1909s, 9318 (3j)] -
Act 55Care management organizations: DHS may contract with a county or long-term care district to operate outside their geographic area; disposition of property and assets upon dissolution of a long-term care district; creation of nonstock, nonprofit corporation or service insurance corporation provisions; OCI duties -
Act 215Revised Uniform Partnership Act adopted, with modifications -
Act 295Proof of financial responsibility of landfill owner: escrow account and irrevocable trust options revised, corporate bonds provisions -
Act 50Angel investment tax credits: WEDC may waive requirements under certain conditions, exception provided [Sec. 3990, 3991, 3992] -
Act 55Business development tax credit created; sunset provisions [Sec. 849, 2118, 2183, 2213, 2222, 2227, 2316, 2346, 2352, 2367, 2432, 2454, 3991n, o, 3996, 4006, 4010b, 9450 (2b)] -
Act 55Dairy manufacturing facility investment credits: appropriations made sum sufficient [Sec. 849d, e] -
Act 55Development zone tax credits that expired repealed; research credit calculation modified [Sec. 850-853, 2119, 2124, 2125-2150, 2184-2186g, 2214-2221, 2247, 2248, 2254-2285, 2317-2322, 2340-2345, 2368-2399, 2433-2437, 2448-2453, 2467b, 2497-2504b, 3971b, 3998b-4001c, 4025b] -
Act 55Early stage seed and angel investment tax credits revisions [Sec. 2191, 3982-3984, 3993-3995, 4005, 9337 (4b)] [2191, 9337 (4b) -- vetoed] -
Act 55Income computation for income tax purposes: exclusion for job creation sunsetted [Sec. 2124d, 2246d, 2366d] -
Act 55Jobs tax credit appropriation changed to sum sufficient [Sec. 848] -
Act 55Manufacturing and agriculture credit and community development finance credit: percentage revised and interest provision [Sec. 2206d, 2213f, 2333d, 2339d] -
Act 55Manufacturing and agriculture tax credit: technical changes [Sec. 2204-2206, 2331-2333, 9337(2), 9437(1)] -
Act 55WEDC tax credit reporting to DOR and DOR duties [Sec. 3961b, 3991b, 3995e-h, 3997r, 4004b, 4005e, 4006h, 4024q, 4025e, f, 4029s, u] -
Act 55Community intervention program funding revision [Sec. 4296] -
Act 55Community reintegration services: Corr.Dept funding to Madison-area Urban Ministry, Inc. and Project Return eliminated [Sec. 4248] -
Act 55Community youth and family aids: juvenile corrections daily rates set [Sec. 4268-4272] -
Act 55Corr.Dept reimbursement fee for persons on probation, parole, and extended supervision revised [Sec. 4312-4315] -
Act 55Corr.Dept to charge a fee to probationers, parolees, and persons on extended supervision who are placed with the county or tribal governing body pending disposition of revocation proceedings; reimbursement to counties and tribal governing bodies provisions modified -
Act 164Corrections System Formulary Board created in Corr.Dept re therapeutic alternate drug selections in the state correctional system -
Act 40Crime victim restitution revisions re Corr.Dept authority to charge a reimbursement fee, garnishment of a defendant’s wages, and certification to DOR of restitution owed; reports required -
Act 355Drones operated over state correctional institutions prohibited; penalty provisions -
Act 318Juvenile corrective sanctions program eliminated; aftercare supervision revised; Office of Juvenile Offender Review (OJOR) duties; Corr.Dept to provide or purchase community supervision services [Sec. 661, 663, 1678, 1700, 3584, 4224, 4226b, 4227b, 4230, 4232, 4267, 4273-4275, 4301-4309, 4648b-t, 4649b-4654s, 4654u-4678, 4702, 4703b, bm, 4704b, bm, 4705-4712e, 4713c-i, 4714b,bm, 4715-4717, 4727, 4728, 9408 (1v)] -
Act 55Missing child who is the responsibility of DCF, Corr.Dept, county services, or licensed child welfare agency: reporting requirements to local law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children -
Act 368MPCP research: ``qualified independent researcher" defined and access to department databases; confidentiality and fee provisions [Sec. 1696m, 1767m, 1833t, 2012t, 3076c, 4714g, 9408 (2q)] -
Act 55